Saturday, December 14, 2013

Book Club Meeting

This past Thursday night, my wife and I had the privilege to get together with the Taylorville Christian Church, Women’s Book Club. It was a wonderful time and I really enjoyed the opportunity to get together with those who had read Perfect Pawn and get their thoughts and feedback.

It also got me thinking as to what other questions readers might have about the book. If there is anything you would like to ask you can get in touch with me via the Contact Me page.

I’ll gather up the questions and post the answers to them.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Author Interview on Head First into the Deep End

Well I had the opportunity to appear as a guest on the blog, Head First into the Deep End, and I wanted to share it with you.

The host, Tom Bradley, is a fellow author who has also written a book called The Kona Shuffle. I'll be interviewing him shortly and will post the Q & A session here on my site as well.

Looking to read Perfect Pawn? Now you have choices.

I actually had a discussion with someone who mentioned that they didn't use Amazon. I didn't think of it before but if you are one of those people you now have an alternative. The print version of Perfect Pawn is also available direct through Createspace.

The link is on the Books page but you can also click on the link below to go directly to the CS page for the book.

Happy Reading !!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

As Bad As I Wanna Be.......

No, this post has nothing to do with Dennis Rodman, other than he might make a great character in a book.......... "Kim Jong Un is lying on the floor dead, his head beaten to a bloody pulp, when agents of the Ministry of State Security, the North Korean Secret Police, find him. Look sir, the stippling impressions in the Dear Leader's skull appear to be from a basketball..........."

Sorry, I digress.

Anyway, in my current WIP, which is the sequel to my current book, I decided to embrace the darker side a bit more. I have to admit it has been fun to explore the depths of depravity a bit. I wanted to move beyond the stereotypical "bad guy" character. You know, the one we are introduced to and it is just taken for granted that he is the baddie. For me, I wanted to explore the developmental issues. Sort of the nuts and bolts of why. 

I'm not talking about the wishy-washy evil tantrum, as in: "Yoda didn't make me a full Jedi knight so I am going to I am going to commit child murder" but the person who has that light bulb moment and says "no more Mr. Nice Guy." 

They don't lose their moral compass, they conscientiously choose to shelve it.

What are your experiences? Have you ever read or created a character that had a "flipped switch" moment where they make the decision to cross over to the dark side and embrace it?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sequel Update

Thought I would take a moment and let everyone know whats been going on with the sequel to Perfect Pawn.

November was a great month in terms of writing. As of today that means I am about 90% finished with the manuscript. I am hoping to have it in the initial editing / revision phase before the end of the month.

If everything continues to run smoothly it should be released at the early part (perhaps February) of 2014.

As for Perfect Pawn, the reviews coming in have all been positive. I appreciate all that have taken the time to contact me about the book. I also encourage anyone who might have questions to please feel free to contact me and share your thoughts.

Best wishes and thank you once again for your support.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Perfect Pawn (Kindle) - Free (Black Friday)

To all those folks who don't have any desire to run around on Black Friday, I have a gift for you. 

I am offering my debut novel, Perfect Pawn, free for the Kindle platform on Friday, November 29th. 

If you like Mystery / Crime / Suspense or Romance, this is the perfect book for you.

The only thing I ask is that after you read it, be so kind to leave a review for me.
