Thursday, November 21, 2013

Reviews / Feedback - What's on your mind?

I just wanted to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has purchased Perfect Pawn. Based on the feedback  I have been receiving, and the requests for the immediate release of the sequel, it sounds as if everyone has enjoyed it.

I would like to take this moment to ask for your help. Like everything, we live in a feedback driven world. Success of any product is measured by what others take the time to say. If you are looking at purchasing an item and you have two to choose from you will normally go with the one that received better reviews, even though they might perform exactly the same. That being said, if you have read the book and have not already reviewed it, would you please consider taking a moment to do so at either (or both) of the following links.



If you haven't read it yet, I'd ask that you keep this request in mind should you read it at a later date.

Once again I thank you for your continued support.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Banality of Evil – Really Good, Bad Characters

“You’re a sick fuck.”

“True, but we all have decisions in life to make. Sadly, there really is only one choice for you. The real struggle is whether or not you can live with yourself afterwards.”

From the novel: Perfect Pawn

I’m twisted, I admit it. However, in my defense I will say that I am the product of a number of things ranging from my chosen profession of twenty-two years to my interests and hobbies.

Some would argue that I have had the displeasure of seeing people at their absolute worst, man’s inhumanity to man, to paraphrase Samuel von Pufendorf (1673). I admit that there were times when I have had to deal with someone who had lost all regard for human life. It is a very interesting experience. 

Probably the reason why psychiatrists get paid so much money.

What is the most interesting part of writing bad characters? Freedom. 

While you have to be very careful with your "good" guy or gal, you don't have the same restrictions with the bad ones. Like the title of Dennis Rodman's book, they can be "Bad as I wanna be".

For me as a writer, what makes a bad character truly interesting is not the one that does a dastardly deed because they want to, it's the ones that does it because they simply don't care. There is no empathy, no compassion, just an analytical approach to an issue facing them. 

It's the epitome of the Alpha baddie. 

You know there is no reasoning with them and the only question remains is: How far are you willing to go to stop them?

Friday, November 15, 2013

Perfect Pawn - State Journal Register

More good coverage. In the Thursday, Nov. 14th, issue of the State Journal Register (Springfield, Il.) they did an article on Perfect Pawn. Nice piece and it opens a door up in the state's Capitol.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Perfect Pawn - Now Available in Print !!

Well, it is now official - Perfect Pawn is available in print !!

It went live this morning and is available now through Createspace, which is an Amazon company.

For those of you with an Amazon account, we have been advised that it normally takes about 5-7 days (estimate) for it to actually appear on their shelves. When it does I will post a link there as well.

Once again, thank you for all your support and encouragement.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Perfect Pawn - The Book !!

Well, it is official. The print version is alive, well almost.

Today the wonderful UPS truck came and deposited the proofs of Perfect Pawn onto my door step. I often wonder if they ever consider whether the item they are delivering is a significant, life altering, experience for the recipient?

I have to admit there is a world of difference between publishing an eBook and being able to hold the physical book in your hand. I know a lot of people prefer the ease of eBooks but I am one of those old fashioned kind of readers.

I love books, always have, and to be able to hold my book in my hands is something I am struggling to put into words. I grew up reading Frank Herbert, Joseph Wambaugh, Alan Dean Foster, and so many others. I enjoyed being transported for a brief time to new worlds. I especially loved the rich character development of certain authors.

Now I sit here with my own printed book and wonder if they felt the same way when they held the first proof of their own book? Will someone read it one day and say I did the same thing for them? As a writer, it is the greatest complement I think you can receive.

Thank you so much for accompanying me on this journey.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The weather and writing

Whats the old saying about Illinois?

"If you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes and it will change!"

Well I can attest to the fact that it is undeniably true. Yesterday I was in a tee shirt, hauling in firewood and today it is 27 degrees outside. But fear not, the reports are that by next Monday it will be 67 out !!

In a way I like the cold as the sequel to Perfect Pawn takes place in January. It is getting me in the mindset. It's one thing to write that it is cold, but it is another thing to walk outside and feel the harsh sting of the wind against your face and go "Ah, that sounds much better."

As a writer you look for inspiration anywhere you can. Including how the sun or moon takes on a different feel when it is reflecting off the new fallen snow.

Check back with me in February when all that prose will be replaced with "Well, got hit with another three inches of this Godforsaken white S&*% again.........."

Writers, you can never keep them happy !!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Social Media Reminder - Facebook / Twitter

As a writer, one of the most important things for me is to stay connected with my readers. After all, it is with you in mind that I write my stories in the first place.

So this is just a reminder that if you have found your way to this website and would like to connect with me, and stay up to date on the latest information, just click on the links below.