– “A Literary Affair,” featuring four area authors, will be presented from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 3 at Dana’s Book Exchange
on the north side of the historic Taylorville
Square .
The public
is invited to meet the authors, who will display, sell and sign new releases
and other books in their first joint effort.
Each author
focuses on a distinctive creative force, from the gritty streets of New York City to the
heartland’s Abraham Lincoln.
refreshments will be provided.
will be:
Andrew G. Nelson, Edinburg . The retired New York City police sergeant
has released his second novel,
Queen’s Gambit A sequel to his debut Perfect
Pawn, his new book realistically
continues the perilous adventures of retired Big Apple detective James Maguire.
Pam Stone, Mechanicsburg. The author will
present two children’s books
that celebrate real-life family
experiences, including encounters with a turtle. Titles are Oscar’s Adventures
in the Woods and The Watermelon Party.
Stone has worked in the media,
insurance and marketing fields.
Carol Alexander, Taylorville. The second edition
of her 2013 book, The Big
Squeal, will debut at the event.
Endorsed by famous historian Doris Kearns
Goodwin, the books tell the true
story of Lincoln
vs. courthouse pigs. The expanded new edition takes a kid-friendly look at the
Eighth Judicial Circuit
that prepared Lincoln for the presidency.
Courtney Michel, Glenarm. A state of Illinois employee,
Michel has written
a collection of romance novels.,
She is the mother of three boys and attended Eastern Illinois
University .
For more information, call
bookstore proprietor Dana Frasier at 287-7888 or
Alexander at 824-2194. Authors are available for
interviews and programs.