Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Author Interview: Falafel Jones

I thought I would have some fun today and do something a bit different. I recently had the opportunity to interview my good friend, Falafel Jones. Okay, we aren’t really ‘good’ friends, but I lost a bet over a bottle of tequila and some questionable humus, and, well, a bet’s a bet.

So, without further ado, I present the transcript of The Falafel Jones Interview: The Lost Tapes.

Me: Okay Falafel, we know your brother Sweet Pickles Jones has a legitimate ‘paying’ career in construction so, as an ‘author,’ are you considered the black sheep of the family?

Falafel: I'm the black sheep in a family of black sheep. What's that called?

Me: My Cousin, I think.

Me: You’re quite a prolific writer now with three books (Kewpie Killer, Life’s a BeachThen You Die, Payback’s a Beach, and Press One For Yes) under your belt. Has the fame and fortune gone to your head?

Falafel: Actually, that's four but if fame and fortune ever arrive, I'll let you know.

Me: Who’s says that public school educations are worthless?

Me: Mystery writers are an odd bunch. Mediterranean food aside, what, or who, would you say influenced your work the most?

Falafel: My biggest influence is my desire to be productive while sitting at home in my pajamas. Well, they're not really pajamas but I understand that this is a family blog. I actually have a Florida state issued private investigator's license but I'm too lazy to work so I make up stories about what could happen if I wasn't spending all of my time on the beach.

Me: In my learned opinion, work is highly overrated.

Me: Most people pick up a book and don’t realize just how much work goes into writing. What would you say is the hardest part?

Falafel: punctuation; And speling

Me: Huked on fonics werked fer mee two.

Me: I imagine you are hard at work on your next tome, care to give the audience any clue as to what we can expect?

Falafel: Things can change but right now, I just started work on Max Fried Mystery #3. It's a locked room murder tentatively titled "Son of a Beach." Here's a summary. 

It's a warm, sunny morning when Cabana Chuck parks his windowless, concession trailer on the beach. As he attempts to set up shop on the sand, he's surprised to find the trailer locked from the inside. His mood improves when a nearby Beach Patrol officer finesses it open for him but neither Chuck nor the cop like what they find inside. Dead in the trailer is Chuck's competitor, Bungalow Bill. Someone shot Bill and he’s got a head wound too but there aren’t any weapons in sight. As Chuck's sunny day gets cloudy, he turns to P.I. Max Fried to keep his hope for freedom from sinking with the tide.

Me: I like the way you lighten up a serious subject. Why let something like murder upset an otherwise lovely day at the beach.

Me: Anything else you’d like to share with the readers?

Falafel: Yes, thank you. Things are buzzing in Falafeland.

Me: Uhm, that’s usually a good indication that it’s trash day Falafel.

Falafel: Now that you mention it, wait, I digress. I just meant that Life's a Beach Then you Die is coming out soon in a Spanish language edition titled Playa de Arenas Movedizas and that has given me some codes for free copies of the audiobook edition of Payback's a Beach.

I'm giving them away for the asking or until I run out. Instructions for claiming a free code are at

Me: Well, there you have it. If you’re looking for some fun, slightly irreverent, reading then look no further than Falafel Jones’ books.

For more information on the author, and a few leads to collect the bounty, visit:

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

NYPD Sergeants Assoc. Article

Perfect Pawn got a nice mention in the current issue of the NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) magazine. Thought I would share it !!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Importance of Reviews

As an author, you are always looking for feedback from your readers. But equally important to an author are reviews. The reason for this is that reviews drive interest and that interest translates into increased visibility on sites like Amazon.

Ever get the "you might also be interested in" suggestions? This is how Amazon links products and the chance of becoming one of those suggestions is driven by your popularity.

So remember, if you read a book and like it, take a moment to give the author a review.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Illinois Stories - TV Show (PBS)

Had an interesting day today. Mark McDonald, host of Illinois Stories on PBS came out with his cameraman Tony and did a half hour show on Nancy and I.

The piece spotlighted our insignia business and my patch collection but also touched on the topic of Perfect Pawn.

Not sure when the show will air, but as soon as we have the details I will let you know. The nice thing is that they also post a lot of them up on youtube, so for those who don't get the local stations it might be a way of watching.

I will keep you posted as to the air dates.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Queen's Gambit - Sequel Announcement

For those of you who have been chomping at the bit to find out what happens next with James Maguire, your wait is almost over.

I am happy to announce that the manuscript for Queen's Gambit, the sequel to Perfect Pawn, has been completed and is currently being edited. 

Once we get the edited MS back we will make the corrections and hopefully have the book released shortly thereafter.

There are wind's of change on the horizon, and not everything is as it seems.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Barnes & Noble / Kobo - Update

Please to announce that Perfect Pawn is now available on different e-Book platforms.

If you have a Nook you can obtain it through Barnes & Noble by following this link

Perfect Pawn (Nook)

If you use the e-Book website KOBO, you can follow this link:

Perfect Pawn (KOBO) 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sequel Update

First let me apologize to everyone for the hiatus I have taken from posting. Rest assured that in the time I have been away from the blog world I have not been piddling away my time.

We have been tweaking the MS for the sequel and will be adding an additional chapter for character development. If all goes as planned we are looking at a late winter launch.

In addition to the work we have been doing on the sequel, I have also been plugging away on a stand alone novel introducing a new character. I'm about 2/3 of the way through it. It is something that I am super excited about. Originally I had only intended it to be a short novella piece. Something to just bridge the time between the James Maguire series releases.

However, as I progressed the character became so fun to write that I had created what I felt was a captivating story line. An opinion shared by my wife when she read it.

The story will not interfere with the Maguire ones, but rather complement them in a side column sort of way. Hoping to have this one available in time for the summer.

Just to let you know I am not slacking in the research & ideas department. I already have a working outline for the 3rd Maguire novel.

I promise to keep the news coming at a more steady pace as we go forward.